Showing 26 - 50 of 71 Results
The History and Description of Africa by John Pory ISBN: 9781445565651 List Price: $31.45
John Pory's Lost Description of Plymouth Colony in the Earliest Days of the Pilgrim Fathers by Pory, John, Burrage, Champlin ISBN: 9781437036503 List Price: $18.95
Gustav Horn, Count of Pori by Miller, Frederic P., Vandom... ISBN: 9786132632739 List Price: $62.00
The History and Description of Africa: And of the Notable Things Therein Contained - Primary... by Robert Brown, John Pory, Ro... ISBN: 9781287503859 List Price: $32.75
The History and Description of Africa: And of the Notable Things Therein Contained Volume 2 ... by Robert Brown, John Pory, Af... ISBN: 9781296767228 List Price: $29.95
The history and description of Africa: and of the notable things therein contained - Scholar... by Robert Brown, John Pory ISBN: 9781298390776 List Price: $38.75
John Pory's Lost Description of Plymouth Colony in the Earliest Days of the Pilgrim Fathers,... by Pory, John 1572-1636, Norwo... ISBN: 9781372052828 List Price: $22.95
John Pory's Lost Description of Plymouth Colony in the Earliest Days of the Pilgrim Fathers,... by Pory, John 1572-1636, Norwo... ISBN: 9781372052811 List Price: $12.95
John Pory's Lost Description of Plymouth Colony in the Earliest Days of the Pilgrim Fathers,... by John Pory, Richard Norwood ISBN: 9781358920660 List Price: $22.95
The History and Description of Africa: And of the Notable Things Therein Contained by Dr Robert Brown Jd, John Po... ISBN: 9781358385896 List Price: $28.95
The History and Description of Africa: And of the Notable Things Therein Contained by Dr Robert Brown Jd, John Po... ISBN: 9781358575662 List Price: $28.95
John Pory's Lost Description of Plymouth Colony in the Earliest Days of the Pilgrim Fathers,... by Champlin Burrage, John Pory... ISBN: 9781359102058 List Price: $21.95
The History and Description of Africa: And of the Notable Things Therein Contained by Dr Robert Brown Jd, John Po... ISBN: 9781357266240 List Price: $27.95
John Pory's Lost Description of Plymouth Colony in the Earliest Days of the Pilgrim Fathers,... by John Pory, Richard Norwood ISBN: 9781356973552 List Price: $22.95
Lost Description of Plymouth by Pory, John ISBN: 9785519349000 List Price: $44.95
Geographical Historie of Africa by Leo, Johannes, Pory, John ISBN: 9789022101339 List Price: $125.00
John Pory's Lost Description of Plymouth Colony in the Earliest Days of the Pilgrim Fathers by Pory, John, Burrage, Champlin ISBN: 9781161808575 List Price: $33.95
John Pory's Lost Description of Plymouth Colony in the Earliest Days of the Pilgrim Fathers,... by Burrage, Champlin, Pory, Jo... ISBN: 9781149046456 List Price: $18.75
History and Description of Afric : And of the notable things therein Contained by Leo, Africanus, Brown, Robe... ISBN: 9781176672604 List Price: $38.75
John Pory's Lost Description Of Plymouth Colony In The Earliest Days Of The Pilgrim Fathers ... by Pory, John, Burrage, Champlin ISBN: 9781164835363 List Price: $15.16
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